
We’re proud of our Geopark and of the wider National Park. Because we want our visitors to enjoy it to the full we’ve been offering training courses to tourism businesses and others in and around the park who come into contact with visitors to the area.

National Park Ambassadors

Tourism businesses are invited to attend this training to become fully qualified National Park Ambassadors. By completing the three days, over 300 individuals have gained their Ambassador status over the last few years – they encompass accommodation providers, adventure activities, information staff and more. This course includes a Geopark module. More on National Park Ambassadors here.

Geopark Ambassadors

Those who have already gained their National Park Ambassador certificates can go on to gain their Geopark Ambassador certificates.  Two days of FREE training are offered – at Craig-y-nos Country Park and at Pontneddfechan – including a half day ‘in the classroom” and a half day outdoors at both locations. This team is now over one hundred strong. More on Geopark Ambassadors here.

Dark Sky Ambassadors

This initiative too is open to those who’ve completed their National Park Ambassador training. Dozens of businesses have already attained this award by attending the two FREE days on offer. More information on Dark Sky Ambassadors here.

Other Ambassadors

The National Park Authority is also developing Wildlife, Heritage and Welsh Culture ambassador training for those who have completed the core training.

Waterfalls Ambassadors

Many businesses interested in learning more about the former Gunpowder Works at Pontneddfechan and their wider Waterfall Country setting attended one of a few two-day events arranged as part of the Gunpowder Works Project which ran until 2019.

Local Ambassadors

For those not directly involved in tourism, we offer a scheme aimed at local areas. Dozens of people who work in shops, pubs or restaurants or perhaps who volunteer in some way have spent an evening getting their Local Ambassador certificate. You’ll find local Ambassadors in BreconLlandovery, the upper Swansea Valley, the Amman Valley, Cwm Twrch, the upper Usk and the Taff valleys within the Geopark, and Abergavenny, Talgarth and Crickhowell elsewhere.

If you live/work in one of these areas and come into contact with visitors, sign up for one of our FREE training sessions – you’ll meet others who share a passion for the area and the courses are still free!  More dates are planned for 2024 – watch this space!

There’s no charge for any of these dates, but if you can, please let Geopark Development Officer, Alan Bowring know if you want to come along – ring him on 01874 620415 or drop him an e-mail.